19 research outputs found

    Derandomization in Cryptography

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    We give two applications of Nisan–Wigderson-type (“non-cryptographic”) pseudorandom generators in cryptography. Specifically, assuming the existence of an appropriate NW-type generator, we construct: 1. A one-message witness-indistinguishable proof system for every language in NP, based on any trapdoor permutation. This proof system does not assume a shared random string or any setup assumption, so it is actually an “NP proof system.” 2. A noninteractive bit commitment scheme based on any one-way function. The specific NW-type generator we need is a hitting set generator fooling nondeterministic circuits. It is known how to construct such a generator if E = DTIME(2 O(n) ) has a function of nondeterministic circuit complexity 2 Ω(n) (Miltersen and Vinodchandran, FOCS ‘99). Our witness-indistinguishable proofs are obtained by using the NW-type generator to derandomize the ZAPs of Dwork and Naor (FOCS ‘00). To our knowledge, this is the first construction of an NP proof system achieving a secrecy property. Our commitment scheme is obtained by derandomizing the interactive commitment scheme of Naor (J. Cryptology, 1991). Previous constructions of noninteractive commitment schemes were only known under incomparable assumptions


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    We give two applications of Nisan–Wigderson-type (“non-cryptographic”) pseudorandom generators in cryptography. Specifically, assuming the existence of an appropriate NW-type generator, we construct: 1. A one-message witness-indistinguishable proof system for every language in NP, based on any trapdoor permutation. This proof system does not assume a shared random string or any setup assumption, so it is actually an “NP proof system.” 2. A noninteractive bit commitment scheme based on any one-way function. The specific NW-type generator we need is a hitting set generator fooling nondeterministic circuits. It is known how to construct such a generator if E = DTIME(2 O(n) ) has a function of nondeterministic circuit complexity 2 Ω(n) (Miltersen and Vinodchandran, FOCS ‘99). Our witness-indistinguishable proofs are obtained by using the NW-type generator to derandomize the ZAPs of Dwork and Naor (FOCS ‘00). To our knowledge, this is the first construction of an NP proof system achieving a secrecy property. Our commitment scheme is obtained by derandomizing the interactive commitment scheme of Naor (J. Cryptology, 1991). Previous constructions of noninteractive commitment schemes were only known under incomparable assumptions


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    We give two applications of Nisan–Wigderson-type (“non-cryptographic”) pseudorandom generators in cryptography. Specifically, assuming the existence of an appropriate NW-type generator, we construct: 1. A one-message witness-indistinguishable proof system for every language in NP, based on any trapdoor permutation. This proof system does not assume a shared random string or any setup assumption, so it is actually an “NP proof system.” 2. A noninteractive bit-commitment scheme based on any one-way function. The specific NW-type generator we need is a hitting set generator fooling nondeterministic circuits. It is known how to construct such a generator if E = DTIME(2 O(n) ) has a function of nondeterministic circuit complexity 2 Ω(n). Our witness-indistinguishable proofs are obtained by using the NW-type generator to derandomize the ZAPs of Dwork and Naor (FOCS ‘00). To our knowledge, this is the first construction of an NP proof system achieving a secrecy property. Our commitment scheme is obtained by derandomizing the interactive commitment scheme of Naor (J. Cryptology, 1991). Previous constructions of noninteractive commitment schemes were only known under incomparable assumptions

    Concurrent zero knowledge without complexity assumptions

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    We provide unconditional constructions of concurrent statistical zero-knowledge proofs for a variety of non-trivial problems (not known to have probabilistic polynomial-time algorithms). The problems include Graph Isomorphism, Graph Nonisomorphism, Quadratic Residuosity, Quadratic Nonresiduosity, a restricted version of Statistical Difference, and approximate versions of the (coNP forms of the) Shortest Vector Problem and Closest Vector Problem in lattices. For some of the problems, such as Graph Isomorphism and Quadratic Residuosity, the proof systems have provers that can be implemented in polynomial time (given an NP witness) and have Õ(log n) rounds, which is known to be essentially optimal for black-box simulation. To our best of knowledge, these are the first constructions of concurrent zero-knowledge protocols in the asynchronous model (without timing assumptions) that do not require complexity assumptions (such as the existence of one-way functions)